All items of Tera Term setup file


item Default of setup file Default of program Note
BGEnable off <-
BGFastSizeMove on <-
BGFlickerlessMove on <-
BGNoFrame on <-
BGSPIPath plugin <-
BGUseAlphaBlendAPI on <-
BGThemeFile theme\*.ini <-
BGIgnoreThemeFile off <-

Tera Term

item Default of setup file Default of program Note
AcceleratorCygwinConnection on <-
AcceleratorNewConnection on <-
Accept8BitCtrl on <-
AcceptBroadcast on <-
AcceptTitleChangeRequest overwrite <-
Aixterm16Color on off
AllowWrongSequence off <-
AlphaBlend 255 * * the value of AlphaBlend setting is used.
AlternateScreenBuffer on <-
ANSIColor 0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,128,128,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,64,64,64, 9,192,0,0, 10,0,192,0, 11,192,192,0, 12,64,64,192, 13,192,0,192, 14,0,192,192, 15,192,192,192 0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,0,0,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,128,128,128, 9,128,0,0, 10,0,128,0, 11,128,128,0, 12,0,0,128, 13,128,0,128, 14,0,128,128, 15,192,192,192
Answerback <-
AutoComPortReconnect on <-
AutoFileRename on off
AutoScrollOnlyInBottomLine on off
AutoTextCopy on <-
AutoWinClose on <-
AutoWinResize off <-
AutoWinSwitch off <-
BackWrap off <-
BaudRate 9600 <-
Beep on <-
BeepOnConnect off <-
BeepOverUsedCount 5 <-
BeepOverUsedTime 2 <-
BeepSuppressTime 5 <-
BPAuto off <-
BPEscCtl off <-
BPLog off <-
BroadcastCommandHistory on off
BSKey BS <-
ClearComBuffOnOpen on <-
ClearOnResize on <-
ClearScreenOnCloseConnection off <-
ClickableUrlBrowser <-
ClickableUrlBrowserArg <-
ClipboardAccessFromRemote off <-
ComPort 1 <-
ConfirmChangePaste on <-
ConfirmChangePasteCR on <-
ConfirmChangePasteStringFile <-
ConfirmDisconnect on <-
ConfirmFileDragAndDrop on <-
ConfirmPasteMouseRButton off <-
ConnectingTimeout 0 <-
CRReceive CR <-
CRSend CR <-
CtrlInKanji on <-
CursorCtrlSequence off <-
CursorShape block <-
CygwinDirectory c:\cygwin <-
DataBit 8 <-
Debug off <-
DebugModes off <-
DeferredLogWriteMode on <-
DelayPerChar 0 <-
DelayPerLine 0 <-
DeleteKey on off
DelimDBCS on <-
DelimList $20!"#$24%&'()*+,:;<=>?@[\]^`{|} $20!"#$24%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~
DisableAcceleratorDuplicateSession off <-
DisableAcceleratorSendBreak off <-
DisableAppCursor off <-
DisableAppKeypad off <-
DisableMenuDuplicateSession off <-
DisableMenuNewConnection off <-
DisableMenuSendBreak off <-
DisableMouseTrackingByCtrl on <-
DisablePasteMouseMButton on <-
DisablePasteMouseRButton off <-
DisableWheelToCursorByCtrl on <-
DlgFont <-
EnableANSIColor on <-
EnableBlinkAttrColor on <-
EnableBold on <-
EnableBoldAttrColor on <-
EnableClickableUrl on off
EnableContinuedLineCopy on off
EnableLineMode on <-
EnablePopupMenu on <-
EnableReverseAttrColor on off
EnableScrollBuff on <-
EnableShowMenu on <-
EnableStatusLine on <-
EnableURLColor on <-
FileDir <- If value is "", program uses "Download folder."
FileSendFilter <-
FileSendHighSpeedMode on <-
FlowCtrl none <-
FontQuality default <-
FTHideDialog off <-
HideTitle off <-
HistoryList on off
HostDialogOnStartup on <-
IME on <-
IMEInline on <-
IMERelatedCursor off <-
ISO2022ShiftFunction on <-
JoinSplitURL off <-
JoinSplitURLIgnoreEOLChar \ <-
JumpList on <-
KanjiIn B <-
KanjiOut B J
KanjiReceive UTF-8 SJIS
KanjiSend UTF-8 SJIS
KatakanaReceive 8 <-
KatakanaSend 8 <-
KillFocusCursor on <-
KmtFileAttr off <-
KmtLog off <-
KmtLongPacket off <-
Language * English * by the installer
LanguageSelection on <-
ListHiddenFonts off <-
Locale * japanese * by the installer
LocalEcho off <-
LockTUID on <-
LogAppend on off
LogAutoStart off <-
LogBinary off <-
LogDefaultName teraterm.log <-
LogDefaultPath <-
LogHideDialog off <-
LogIncludeScreenBuffer off off
LogLockExclusive on <-
LogRotate 0 <-
LogRotateSize 0 <-
LogRotateSizeType 0 <-
LogRotateStep 0 <-
LogTimestamp off <-
LogTimestampFormat %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N <-
LogTimestampType Local <-
LogTimestampUTC off <-
LogTypePlainText on off
MaxBroadcatHistory 99 <-
MaxBuffSize 500000 10000
MaxComPort 256 <-
MaximizedBugTweak on <-
MaxOSCBufferSize 4096 <-
Meta8Bit off <-
MetaKey off <-
MouseCursor IBEAM <-
MouseEventTracking on <-
MouseWheelScrollLine 3 <-
NonblinkingCursor off <-
NormalizeLineBreakOnPaste off <-
NotifyClipboardAccess on <-
Parity none <-
PassThruDelay 3 <-
PassThruPort <-
PasteDelayPerLine 10 <-
PasteDialogSize 330,220 <-
PcBoldColor on off
PopupMenu off <-
Port tcpip <-
PrinterCtrlSequence on <-
PrnConvFF off <-
PrnFont <-
PrnMargin 50,50,50,50 <-
QVLog off <-
QVWinSize 8 <-
RussClient Windows <-
RussFont Windows <-
RussHost Windows KOI8-R
RussKeyb Windows <-
RussPrint Windows <-
SaveVTWinPos off <-
ScpSendDir <-
ScrollBuffSize 10000 100
ScrollThreshold 12 <-
ScrollWindowClearScreen on <-
SelectOnActivate on <-
SelectOnlyByLButton on <-
Send8BitCtrl off <-
SendBreakTime 1000 <-
StartupMacro <-
StopBit 1 <-
StrictKeyMapping off <-
TabStopModifySequence on <-
TCPCRSend <-
TCPLocalEcho off <-
TCPPort *1 *2 *1 by the installer *2 value of TelPort
TEKColor 0,0,0,255,255,255 <-
TEKColorEmulation off <-
TEKFont * Courier,0,-13,0 * by the installer
TEKGINMouseCode 32 <-
TEKIcon Default <-
TEKPos -2147483648,-2147483648 <-
TEKPPI 0,0 <-
TelAutoDetect on <-
TelBin off <-
TelEcho off <-
TelKeepAliveInterval 300 <-
TelLog off <-
Telnet on <-
TelPort 23 <-
TerminalID VT100 <-
TerminalSize 80,24 <-
TerminalSpeed 38400 <-
TermIsWin on off
TermType xterm <-
Title Tera Term <-
TitleFormat 13 <-
TitleReportSequence empty <-
TransBin off <-
TranslateWheelToCursor on <-
TrimTrailingNLonPaste off <-
UILanguageFile * lang\\Default.lng * by the installer
UnicodeToDecSpMapping 3 <-
UnknownUnicodeCharacterAsWide off <-
URLColor 0,255,255,0,0,0 0,255,0,255,255,255
URLUnderline on <-
UseNormalBGColor on off
UseTextColor off <-
Version 2.3 * * not used
ViewlogEditor * <- * full path of notepad.exe in Windows folder
VTBlinkColor 255,0,0,0,0,0 255,0,0,255,255,255
VTBoldColor 255,255,0,0,0,0 0,0,255,255,255,255
VTColor 255,255,255,0,0,0 0,0,0,255,255,255
VTCompatTab off <-
VTFont * Terminal,0,-13,1 * by the installer
VTFontSpace 0,0,0,0 <-
VTIcon Default <-
VTPos -2147483648,-2147483648 <-
VTPPI 0,0 <-
VTReverseColor 0,0,0,255,255,255 255,255,255,0,0,0
Wait4allMacroCommand off <-
WaitCom off <-
WindowCornerDontround off <-
WindowCtrlSequence on <-
WindowMenu on <-
WindowReportSequence on <-
XmodemBin on <-
XmodemLog off <-
XmodemOpt checksum <-
XmodemRcvCommand <-
XmodemTimeouts 10,3,10,20,60 <-
Xterm256Color on <-
YmodemLog off <-
YmodemRcvCommand rb
YmodemTimeouts 10,3,10,20,60 <-
ZmodemAuto off <-
ZmodemDataLen 1024 <-
ZmodemEscCtl off <-
ZmodemLog off <-
ZmodemRcvCommand rz <-
ZmodemTimeouts 10,0,10,3 <-
ZmodemWinSize 32767 <-


item Default of setup file Default of program Note
AuthBanner 1 <-
CheckAuthListFirst 0 <-
CipherOrder MLK>H:J=G9I<F8C7D;EB30A@?62 <-
CompOrder 3210 <-
Compression 0 <-
DefaultAuthMethod 3 <-
DefaultForwarding <-
DefaultRhostsHostPrivateKeyFile <-
DefaultRhostsLocalUserName <-
DefaultRSAPrivateKeyFile <-
DefaultUserName <-
DefaultUserType 1 <-
DisablePopupMessage 0 <-
Enabled 1 0
ForwardAgent 0 <-
ForwardAgentConfirm 1 <-
GexMinimalGroupSize 0 <-
HeartBeat 300 <-
HostKeyOrder 456798230 <-
KexOrder 567:9843210 <-
KnownHostsFiles ssh_known_hosts <-
LogLevel 0 <-
MacOrder @?:861>5;20<=34 <-
ProtocolVersion 2 <-
RememberPassword 1 <-
RSAPubkeySignAlgorithmOrder 3210 <-
SSHIcon Default <-
UpdateHostkeys 0 <-
VerifyHostKeyDNS 0 1
WriteBufferSize 2097152 <-
X11Display <-


item Default of setup file Default of program Note
ConnectionTimeout "10" <-
SocksResolve "auto" <-
TelnetConnectedMessage "-- Connected to " <-
TelnetErrorMessage "!!!!!!!!" <-
TelnetHostnamePrompt ">> Host name: " <-
TelnetPasswordPrompt "Password:" <-
TelnetUsernamePrompt "Username:" <-


item Default of setup file Default of program Note
UseOneSetting on <-


item Default of setup file Default of program Note
RecordStartSize on <-


item Default of setup file Default of program Note
Command <-
Enable off <-
Interval 300 <-