Terminal ([Setup] menu; Russian mode)

This page is described when the Language is selected to Russian on the Setup - General dialog. Please refer to below page if another language mode is used.

"Terminal setup" dialog box

Terminal size
The logical size of the terminal (numbers of columns and lines). Note that the window size (real screen size) is not necessarily equal to the terminal size.
Term size = win size
Forces the terminal size to be always equal to the window size.
Auto window resize
When the terminal size is changed, resizes the window to the terminal size.
New-line (receive)
Tera Term doesn't convert it.
Received CR ($0D) character is converted to CR+LF ($0D $0A) pairs.
e.g.) If "CR LF" is received, it is converted to "CR LF LF."
Received LF ($0A) character is converted to CR+LF ($0D $0A) pairs.
e.g.) If "CR LF" is received, it is converted to "CR CR LF."
Received CR ($0D) or LF ($0A) character is converted to CR+LF ($0D $0A) pairs.
e.g.) If "CR+LF" are received, it is not converted.
If "CR" is received, it is converted to "CR LF."
If "LF" is received, it is converted to "CR LF."
New-line (transmit)
Tera Term doesn't convert it.
CR ($0D) character to be sent is converted to CR+LF ($0D $0A) pairs before it is actually sent.
Terminal ID
Terminal ID to be reported to the host when the host requests it. Note that the terminal ID is not identical to the telnet terminal type. To change the telnet terminal type, use the [Setup] TCP/IP command.
Local echo
Enables local echoing of characters sent.
The string to be answered back to the host, when the ENQ ($05) character is received. Each non-printable character in the string can be expressed as a "$" and ASCII code in two-character hex number. For example, the string "ABC<CR><LF>" is expressed as the following:


Auto switch (VT<->TEK)
Enables auto switching between VT and TEK emulations.
Character set
Russian character set used in the host computer. Windows (CP 1251), KOI8-R, CP 866 or ISO 8859-5.
Russian character set used in your PC. Windows (CP 1251), KOI8-R, CP 866 or ISO 8859-5. If you are using Russian version of Windows, you should select Windows.
Character code set of the specified font, Windows (CP 1251), KOI8-R, CP 866 or ISO 8859-5.