Additional settings / "Control Sequence" Tab ([Setup] Menu)

Accept mouse event tracking
Tera Term would send the escape sequence of the mouse operation when VT window is changed to the mouse tracking mode by the host application.
However, TERM environment variable should be "xterm" type.
Disable mouse event tracking when Control is pressed
The mouse tracking mode is enabled, TeraTerm does not send the mouse operation while the control key is pressed.
Accept window title change request
Configures whether a user accepts the window title changing.
Do not accept it.
Accept it, and then display only the window tile.
Accept it, and then insert the window title before the canonical title.
Accept it, and then insert the window title after the canonical title.
Window title report
A user can configure how Tera Term can respond to the dtterm window title and icon label reporting request.
Ignore a window title reporting request.
Tera Term reports the current window title. However, be careful about using this feature because the security problem will occur.
Report empty string.
Window control sequence
added support for the position moving, the minimization, the maximization, the most front, the most back, the refresh and the window size changing(per pixel and character) control sequences regarding the dtterm window operation.
Window report sequence
This function enables the dtterm control sequence such as the window status reporting, the window position reporting, the window size(in pixel and character) reporting and the root window size reporting, among the window information reporting features.
If you do not want window information to be sent to remote host by some reason such as security, please disable this setting.
Cursor control sequence
Enables the control sequence for the cursor shape.
This function enables cursor shape change by cursor change sequence of DECSCUSR(cursor shape change), WYSTCURM(Wyse no-blinking cursor), WYULCURM(Wyse underlined cursor) and AT&T 610 blinking cursor.

If a user uses the vim editor, write below entries in the ~/.vimrc to enable this feature.

set t_SI=^[[3\ q
set t_EI=^[[1\ q
NOTE: Input ^[ by using Control-V Control-[.
If the cursor periodically blinks after an application exits, a user should configure as follows.
In the ncurses 5.7 terminfo, the invisible(civis)/normal display(cnorm)/highlighting(cvvis) of the xterm cursor are as follows:
When the upper configuration is enabled, the normal cursor displays with the non-blinking mode and the emphasis cursor displays with the blinking mode. So, the cursor does not blink when the terminfo application displays the own cursor.
If a user want to blink the cursor, turn off the CursorCtrlSequence entry or do in the following commands:
% infocmp xterm > xterm.ti
Open the xterm.ti file, change from a value of cnorm and cvvis to \E?25h.
% tic -o ~/.terminfo xterm.ti
Execute the tic command.
# tic xterm.ti
If the configuration is enabled as whole system, execute the upper command with a root user.
Clipboard access from remote
permits the host to access the clipboard.
can not permit
write only
can permit a clipboard to write
read only
can permit a clipboard to read
can permit a clipboard to write and read
Notify clipboard access from remote
Notifies the access of clipboard from remote host.
Accept clearing scroll buffer from remote
Enables the control sequence for clearing the scroll buffer. When enabled, the clear command clears the scroll buffer.
Disable print start sequence
Disable print start by the control sequence. (see also)
Select bell(BEL, ASCII $07) behavior.
Output windows default beep sound.
Flash screen.
(see also)