Send file ([File] menu)

Sends a file to the host.

"Send file" dialog box (to input the file name)

File Name
Enter or select a filename to be sent.
By dropping a file into dialog, You can also enter file name.
Send in same way as Tera Term 4
Checked(same way as Tera Term 4)
Send while reading from a file.
Textfile is read as ACP encoding and is not automatically determined.
File is read into memory and then sent.
Encoding of text files is automatically determined.
If you select this option, received characters are sent without any modifications. Otherwise, new-line codes are converted and control characters (except TAB, LF and CR) are stripped out.
delay type
no delay
Without delay processing
per character
Delay processing for each character
per line
Delay processing for each line.
per sendsize
Delay processing for each specified transmission size.
send size
Send size (valid when delay type is "per sendsize")
delay time(ms)
Delay time (valid when delay type is not "no delay")

Send size

Considering receiver's receive buffer size and processing speed, by inserting a delay for each specified send size, file send can be performed more efficiently than by inserting a delay for each character or each line.

Dropping of transmitted data may occur at following part.

                     s1            s2                 s3                s4                         program
Tera Term ---> Send buffer  ---> Windows ---> (sshd,telnet,pipe) ---> OS,driver      ---> pty + shell, other program
               in Tera Term                   (serial          )      UART chip,ext       Embedded programs, etc.

               receive bufer <--         <---                    <---                <---
                     r1            r2                 r3                r4
s1 Sned buffer in Tera Term
It is unlikely to drop.
Data is sended while watching free size of send buffer.
s2 Windows
It is unlikely to drop.
Depending on hardware and driver version, various problems may occur, including BSoD.
You can see details of driver in Tera Term serial port settings.
s3 transmission path
In serial, there is no resend process with error. If error occurs in data, data is dropped.
For TCP/IP, pipe, it is unlikely to drop.
s4 OS,UART chip(receiver)
Receiving data beyond processing capacity of PC (CPU) (when PROGRAM does not pick up received data from OS or chip) or other causes, Receive buffer of OS (driver) or UART chip are overflows and data is dropped.
OS (driver) or program handles flow control depends on implementation.
In TCP/IP, flow control and resend on error are performed, and in most cases, protocol stack in OS handles these processes.
In serial, user can decide whether flow control is used or not, and resend are not automatically performed in case of overflow or other errors.
Dropped due to receive buffer overflow, etc. in program.
When receive buffer is about to overflow in pseudo terminal(pty), 0x07(BEL) is sent and Tera Term will ring bell.
Receive buffer size of main UART chips and drivers
      8250 UART                 no FIFO
      16550 UART                16 Byte FIFO
      FT232R                    256 Byte receive buffer
      TTY drive(Linux 2.6.26)   4KB  (SSH Design and Implementation in TTSSH)

If echo of sent data is not returned, it is possible that received data has been dropped somewhere.

"Send file" dialog box (displayed while sending)

The Close button quits sending.
The Pause button pauses sending. The Start button restarts sending. These buttons function as toggles.