Trims characters from beginning and end of string. (version 4.67 or later)
strtrim <strvar> <trimchars>
Removes all occurrences of a set of characters specified in the <trimchars> from the beginning end end of the string variable <strvar>.
src=' '#9' #include <stdio.h> '#9' ' strtrim src ' \t' messagebox src 'result' ; '#include <stdio.h>' src=' #include <stdio.h> ' strtrim src ' ' messagebox src 'result' ; '#include <stdio.h>' src='*;|@123***456@|;' strtrim src '*;|@' messagebox src 'result' ; '123***456' src='*;|@123***456@|;' strtrim src '*;|@123456' messagebox src 'result' ; '' src='#*;|@123***456@|;' strtrim src '*;|@' messagebox src 'result' ; '#*;|@123***456' src='*;|@123***456@|;#' strtrim src '*;|@' messagebox src 'result' ; '123***456@|;#'