TTSSH command line

You can use the following command line parameters on TTSSH.


<username>@<host>[:<#TCP port>]
A user can specify the user name in front of at-mark.
<scheme>://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<TCP port>][/]
A user can the URL format.
A user can specify ssh, ssh1, ssh2, slogin, slogin1 and slogin2 at the <scheme>.
If the port number is not specified, 22 is used as the port number and then TCPPort value in teraterm.ini file is ignored.
read teraterm.ini(file)
If this value is not a full path, it is understood as a relative path from configuration file folder.
read teraterm.ini(file)
If this value is not a full path, it is understood as a relative path from configuration file folder.
After teraterm.ini file is read, it is erased.
If this value is not a full path, it is understood as a relative path from configuration file folder.
disable SSH connection
disable SSH connection
And use Telnet protocol. It is same as /T=1 of Tera Term.
connect to server with SSH1 protocol
connect to server with SSH1 protocol
connect to server with SSH2 protocol
connect to server with SSH2 protocol
try to autologin with empty password
try to autologin with empty password
try to autologin with the authentication method that is specified by <mode>.
your username is specified
your password is specified
your private key file is specified
If this value is not a full path, it is understood as a relative path from configuration file folder.
disable autologin and ask for password
'/auth=<mode>' means only authentication method
port-forwarding from local listen-address(<listen_addr>) port(<port1>) to remote side host(<host>) port(<port2>)
if <listen_addr> is omitted, it listens at localhost.
port-forwarding from remote listen-address(<listen_addr>) port(<port1>) to local side host(<host>) port(<port2>)
if <listen_addr> is omitted, it listens at localhost.
<listen_addr> is not used with SSH1 protocol.
dynamic port-forwarding from local listen-address(<listen_addr>) port(<port>) to remote side host
Tera Term (ttssh) acts as a SOCKS proxy server.
if <listen_addr> is omitted, it listens at localhost.
enable X11 forwarding
When the destination display is specified, the X11 connection is transferred to the display.
Or when the display is not specified, the transferred display will be determined.
  1. The X11Display entry of the [TTSSH] section in the teraterm.ini file
  2. The DISPLAY environment variable
  3. localhost:0.0
enable agent forwarding
disable agent forwarding
setup the log level to VERBOSE mode
enable compression(level=6)
enable compression with compression level(0-9)
disable compression
/ssh-icon=<icon name>
specify the icon on SSH connection
Could be specified the same value of SSHIcon of setup file.
invoke the subsystem that is specified by <subsystem> instead of shell.
don't start a shell session when starting a connection.
suppress SSH security warning(known_hosts). THIS OPTION PROHIBITED.
NOTICE: This option was created for the purpose of realizing automatic testing of equipment
in local environment like as a factory. You must not use this option when your network
contains the security risk. Please at you own risk in every case.

If the parameter value can include the space character and semicolon, a user should put the value in quotations by using `"' character. (version 4.63(TTSSH 2.51) or later)
If the value includes the `"' character, the user should write the `"' character two times. (version 4.63(TTSSH 2.51) or later)

Old specification
If the value include the '@', the user should put write `@' character. If the value includes the `@' character, the user should write the `@' character two times. (version 4.10 to 4.62(TTSSH 1.08 to 2.50))


ttermpro.exe server1:22 /ssh /ssh-L30025:smtpsrv1:25 /ssh-L30110:pop3srv1:110
ttermpro.exe server1:22 /ssh /ssh-D1080
ttermpro.exe server2:22 /ssh /ssh-X
ttermpro.exe server2:22 /ssh /ssh-Xlocalhost:3.0
ttermpro.exe server3:22 /ssh /2 /auth=password /user=guest /passwd=guest
ttermpro.exe server4:22 /ssh /2 /auth=publickey /user=admin /keyfile=pathofkeyfile /ask4passwd
ttermpro.exe ssh://user:password@server5/ /auth=password
ttermpro.exe server6:22 /ssh /2 /auth=publickey /user=guest /keyfile="C:\Users\foo\Documents\My keys\id_ed25519" /passwd="Yu/eA;G2"
ttermpro.exe server7:22 /ssh /2 /auth=password /user=guest /passwd="foo""bar"

Example: Pageant collaboration

Setup Pageant in the startup folder.

C:\usr\pageant.exe c:\usr\Identity.ppk

How to connect with the public key authentication by using Pageant is shown as follows.

ttermpro.exe /ssh /auth=pageant /user=yutaka