
File transfer protocol developed for CompuServe. In Japan This was used by NIFTY-Serve.
File transfer protocol developed at Columbia University in the United States. Software supporting Kermit protocol has been developed for many PC and OS.
File transfer protocol developed for Japanese BBS, PC-VAN.
Susie is Image viewer (web).

Susie can be displayed various images by using a plug-ins (Susie Plug-in).

Tera Term can use Susie Plug-in to load images. For example, With Susie Plug-in that supports jpeg Tera Term can use jpeg images on Windows that does not support jpeg.

Tera Term tries to load images using Susie Plug-ins, and using Windows functions such as GDI+, OleLoadPicture(), LoadImage(), and so on. It seems to be possible to load jpg and gif images on Windows 7 or later.

Name of Tektronix terminal. This can display diagrams and graphemes, and was used widely in scientific and technical fields.
TEK window
The window that emulates TEK terminal. "TEK" is displayed to right of window title string. This window is not displayed when Tera Term is started. [Control]-[Open TEK] command opens TEK window.
Name of DEC(Digital Equipment Corporation)'s terminal. The terminal was used widely for Unix, VAX/VMS, and other computers.
VT220 and VT382 are names of upwardly compatible terminals of VT100.
VT window
The main window of Tera Term. This window is displayed when Tera Term start. "VT" is displayed to right of window title string.
Window for VT terminal emulation.
File transfer protocol developed by Ward Christensen in 1977.
File transfer protocol extends XMODEM.
File transfer protocol extends XMODEM and YMODEM.

Charactor code

Glossary related to character codes.
CJK, CJKV, East Asian characters

Languages with a writing system that includes Kanji characters. CJK(CJKV) = Chinese, Japanese, Korean, (Vietnamese)B

CJK(CJKV) environment, Double-byte characters are used to represent a character with two bytes, since not all characters used can be represented with one byte.
Before Unicode became popular, character codes were developed for each environment.

Major DBCS

| Language                      | Code(CodePage)     |
| Chinese (Simplified Chinese)  | GB2312(CP936)      |
| Chinese (Traditional Chinese) | Big5(CP950)        |
| Japanese                      | `Shift_JIS(CP932)` |
|                               | EUC(EUC-JP,CP51932)|
| Korean                        | KS5601(CP949)      |

Single-byte character set.
Up to 256 types of characters can be represented.
Double-byte character set.
DBCS is a character set that extends SBCS and can represent characters including Kanji characters.
Mixed 1-byte and 2-byte characters.
Shift_jis is one example of DBCS.
Multi-byte Character Set.
Characters of 3 bytes or more are used.
JIS, UTF-8, etc.
UTF-8, UTF-8m
Character code encoded Unicode with MBCS from 1 byte to 4 bytes.

A single character to be displayed can be created from multiple Unicode characters. ex. U+0061 + U+0302 ( a+ ^ -> â ). Tera Term 4 uses the character code "UTF-8m", which is used in the macOS file system HFS+.

"UTF-8m" has been merged into "UTF-8" on Tera Term 5.

wide character
A character representation in which smallest character unit is two or more bytes.
In C language, wchar_t type.
In C, type wchar_t. In C/C++ language for Windows (Visual Studio), wchar_t type is 2 bytes.
The Windows API uses 2-byte wide characters and the character encoding is UTF-16LE.