Connecting through Proxy

Description of Proxy connection using Tera Term


Proxy is a technology which can be used to connect to outside where Internet environment and LAN are separated as shown in the following figure. However, a user may be not able to connect to the outside network because your gateway can not support the NAT.

Proxy connection

There are various types of Proxy for this purpose. When a user uses the TTProxy plug-in, Tera Term supports the following types of Proxy

How to configure

Setup procedure

To configure, select [Setup] menu, then choose [Proxy].


Then [Proxy Setup] dialog will appear. Specify the type of proxy in [Type], Hostname (or IP address) of Proxy server in [Hostname], Proxy port number in [Port number] and click [OK]. [Username] and [Password] can be used only when Proxy needs an authentication.

Proxy setup

Now, you are ready - try to connect.

Notice of HTTP proxy using

A user may be not able to connect the following type because basically the HTTP proxy server processes the HTTP request.

A use can not connect through the proxy to the TELNET and SSH server because these connections apply to above conditions.