SSH Keygenerator ([Setup] Menu)

"TTSSH: Key Generator" Dialog box

Please refer to "Generating Key" of SSH connection for further detail.

Key type
Specify the type of key to generate.
Generate SSH1 RSA key.
Generate SSH2 RSA key.
Generate SSH2 DSA key.
The DSA key does not have 1024 bits is invalid, so the key can not be generated because the key will not be used for some servers.
If the key bits is over 1024, the security level can not be stronger. Please use the RSA and ECDSA key algorithm if your security level is higher.
Generate SSH2 ECDSA(256bit) key.
Generate SSH2 ECDSA(384bit) key.
Generate SSH2 ECDSA(521bit) key.
Generate SSH2 ED25519 key.
Key Bits
Specify the key length to generate.
bcrypt KDF
Specify the bcrypt KDF format of the private key.
Generate the key.
Key passphrase
Specify passphrase of private key.
Confirm passphrase
Confirm passphrase of private key. Please input the same passphrase as Key passphrase.
Save public key
Save public key.
Save private key
Save private key
The private key is encrypted by the AES-128 algorithm. The key is encrypted by the 3DES into the Tera Term 4.76(TTSSH 2.63) before.