
Sets the position of dialog box.

setdlgpos [<x> <y>]


Changes the initial position for dialog boxes opened by the "inputbox", "listbox", "messagebox", "passwordbox", "statusbox", "yesnobox" commands and error dialogbox. If the status dialog box is displayed, the "setdlgpos" command also moves the dialog box.
Set dialog box position to default in main(primary) display when no argument is given. (version 4.105 or later)
<x> and <y> specify the position (x,y) in the screen coordinate.
The origin (0,0) is upper left corner of the screen(primary display).
Move into display, if dialog box position is outside display. (version 4.105 or later)


; Message box at the upper left corner.
setdlgpos 0 0
messagebox 'Message' 'Title'

; Open the status box.
setdlgpos 0 200
statusbox 'Message' 'Title'

; Moves the status box.
for i 0 200
  setdlgpos i 200