Causes Tera Term to pause logging.
Received characters are discarded while logging is paused.
prompt = '$' cygconnect wait prompt ; get a user name getenv 'USERNAME' username ; get the date and time gettime timestr "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" ; add the user name and the timestamp to the log file name sprintf2 filename 'd:\console_%s_%s.log' username timestr ;messagebox filename 'filename' logopen filename 0 0 logwrite 'Log start'#13#10 sendln 'cal' wait prompt ; Suspend logging logpause ; The below command is not logging sendln 'date' wait prompt ; Resume logging logstart sendln 'uptime' wait prompt logwrite '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'#13#10 logclose end