
Locks the specified file. (version 4.74 or later)

filelock <file handle> [<timeout>]


Locks the specified whole file for exclusive access by the calling process.
The <timeout> argument is described below.

<timeout> Description
0 Returns quickly the error when the file is already locked.
Abbreviation Returns only when the file is unlocked.
Value Waits until the file is unlocked or the time-out interval(in seconds) elapses. Returns the error when the time-out interval elapsed.

If the function succeeds, the system variable "result" is set to 0.
If the function fails, the system variable "result" is set to 1.


fileopen fhandle 'test.txt' 0
filelock fhandle
if result!=0 then
	messagebox 'error' 'hoge'
filewrite fhandle 'sample'
pause 60
fileunlock fhandle
if result!=0 then
	messagebox 'error' 'hoge'
fileclose fhandle

See also