
Executes a menu of window. (version 4.56 or later)

callmenu <menu ID>


Executes the menu that was specified by <menu ID>. See Keycode about IDs.


; select displaying screen.
callmenu 50280

; copy to the clipboard.
callmenu 50210
; This macro captures a screen contents and write it to a file. Refer to screencapture.ttl.
; Configuration

appendmode = 1        ; 0 or 1


getdate header #13#10"======== %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ==========================================="#13#10#13#10

if appendmode=0 then
	getdate filename "screencapture_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.txt"
	fileopen fp filename 0
	fileopen fp 'screencapture.txt' 1
if result <> 0 end

;select screen
callmenu 50280

mpause 500

filewrite fp header

offset = 0
	clipb2var buff offset
	if result>0 filewrite fp buff
	offset = offset + 1
loop while result = 2

fileclose fp

;reset selection
callmenu 50270

; Select one of Kanji codes. On ahead, should install the TTX Kanji Menu.
;callmenu 54010  ; [KanjiCode] Recv: Shift_JIS
;callmenu 54110  ; [KanjiCode] Send: Shift_JIS
;callmenu 54011  ; [KanjiCode] Recv: EUC-JP
;callmenu 54111  ; [KanjiCode] Send: EUC-JP
;callmenu 54012  ; [KanjiCode] Recv: JIS
;callmenu 54112  ; [KanjiCode] Send: JIS
callmenu 54013  ; [KanjiCode] Recv: UTF-8
callmenu 54113  ; [KanjiCode] Send: UTF-8
;callmenu 54014  ; [KanjiCode] Recv: UTF-8m